Saturday, August 25, 2012

Super Dungeon Explore: Part 3

The above pic is the finished Druid and his alternate bear form.  This is probably my favorite character; due purely to the look and theme.  The most significant characteristic of the bear model is how it was painted, since this is the first model that I've used an airbrush on.  I borrowed Kenndog's new airbrush last week and did a little experimentation.  I decided to start conservatively and only used it for the base coat and the early stages of blending.  Results are in the picture below. Significant refinements to the blending had to be made with a brush and extra highlights and shadows were added.  Nevertheless, it provided an extremely smooth coat and a good indicator of shadow location.  Details were completed with a brush, as normal.  The Druid was only hand painted.


  1. Holy crap, that looks great! I think you did a fantastic job on the beast. It would have been hard for me with all the smooth surfaces...

    The metal looks great, as usual ;-)

  2. This is insanely well done, do you remember the paints you used?
